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17 Aug


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Run Your Way to Better Health

August 17, 2015 | By | No Comments

Want to stay fit and healthy all year round? Looking to boost your immune system, shed pounds, and have more energy? If so, start running! This fun yet challenging activity is one of the best calorie-blasting workouts around. Running a few times a week will make you stronger overall, boost your aerobic endurance, and melt fat away. The best part is that it requires no special equipment or fancy tools – all you need is a pair of sports shoes.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Running

The health benefits of running go beyond fat loss. This form of exercise can strengthen your bones, preserve lean muscle, and relieve stress. Studies indicate that people who run regularly have a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure. Running may also reduce your risk of breast cancer, stroke, and coronary artery disease.

Have you heard about the famous “runner’s high?” This activity has psychological benefits too. When you run, your brain releases endorphins that can cause euphoria and make you happier. Researchers have also found that running helps ward off depression, prevents fatigue, and boosts mental alertness. It’s actually one of the best antidepressants around!

Exercise Your Body and Brain

Numerous studies suggest that running increases brain power and improves memory. It also reduces the damaging effects of stress on your body. A regular running routine can delay aging, keep your heart healthy, and lower bad cholesterol. Compared to other forms of exercise, running is ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro athlete, you can reap its benefits.

The risk of dying from any cause is three times lower in people who run at least 51 minutes a week compared to those who don’t exercise at all. Runners also live an average of three years longer and tend to be happier. This activity is incredibly beneficial to your mind, body, and spirit, and can add years to your life.

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